Category: Racial Justice/Bias Page 1 of 2

Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an excellent piece of work by the scholars at Manhattan Institute of what is happening in our schools under the banner of eliminating racism – woke schooling. It is in two parts: the first defines all the major ideas in critical race theory and how each idea plays out in school curriculums and the second describes the steps parents can take to deal with this pernicious ideology. If you like you can download the workbook in PDF format and print it.

Harvey’s Introduction

McCarthy writes another clear, incisive essay on how race demagogues vilify police and “white privilege” as the racial problem in our country.

Less Than Meets the Eye

Less Than Meets the Eye How admissions officers could be setting up minority students for failure by   James Piereson     Naomi Schaefer Riley Manhattan Institute  City Journal    May 4, 2021 Admissions officers around the country can hardly contain themselves. With their schools seeing record numbers of applications and acceptances for minority students, they […]

Diversity Over Discovery

Harvey’s Introduction

Heather Mac Donald writes another piece about how the desire for diversity is resulting in lower levels of competence in Biden’s government. This example is only one of many in this administration.

Why Maxine Waters Wanted a Mistrial for Derek Chauvin

Harvey’s Introduction

I don’t know what Maxine Waters was thinking when she attempted to intimidate the jury in Minneapolis at the Dennis Chauvin trial or if she was simply bored and wanted to appear on TV, but she certainly helped the defense in its argument for a mistrial. If its granted, you can guess that we will see an outbreak of violence across the country, with the attendant rioting and looting. If he is not granted a retrial, you can be sure BLM will take it as a clear signal that jury intimidation is alive and well. To me BLM and its supporters are the mirror image of the KKK and their intimidation tactics.

What the Media Didn’t Tell You about the Chauvin Case

Harvey’s Introduction

Dennis Chauvin was convicted of murder by the system but the jury and the world also convicted him as a racist, although there was no evidence of that alleged or presented at his trial. You would not realize that until you noticed that race mongers in the White House, the Congress and the progressive press simply wanted to reinforce their narrative of institutional racism throughout the justice system. Evidence is not needed if the criminal is black and the policeman is white. Andrew McCarthy does an excellent job explaining this as always in his essays.

Politics Is Risky Business for CEOs

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this essay today for the Wall Street Journal on the issue of CEOs taking the side on a political issue.

Chauvin is on trial, not America. We already know what this country is guilty of

Harvey’s Introduction

Leonard Pitt’s article on the Derek Chauvin case and my response.

Racism Teaching in Schools

Harvey’s Introduction

I’m way behind so I’m posting a number of articles without an introduction. I’ll try to catch up later

How Equality Lost to ‘Equity’

Harvey’s Introductions

It used to be that we sought to create “equality of opportunity” for black people as the ideal end state – eliminating any legal or structural impediments to education, jobs or housing. Many of us believe we have basically achieved this result. But, but achieving equality of opportunity has not resulted in equality in outcomes. As a result, the goal posts have been moved from achieving equality to achieving equity – meaning equality of outcomes by race. Progressive Democrat policies and social warriors have claimed the disparity in outcomes is evidence of structural racism, so deeply embedded, that it cannot even be defined, described or illustrated. Hence their demands have now changed to achieving equity. This change is dangerous and morally bankrupt. It will help keep blacks in this country eternally as a victim class and exacerbate race relations. If you don’t believe this has happened just look at all Biden’s appointments where has put, as a priority, achieving racial equity in the State Department, the Federal Reserve, Labor Department, EPA and every other branch of government. The only way this kind of equity is possible is with complete and total government control of our lives.

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